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Raising Concerns

Raising Concerns

As a church, we take accountability and the protection of all we have contact with, very seriously.  Our presbyterian structure gives us appropriate avenues for any concerns about individuals, situations or what is being taught in church, to be raised.


General Concerns

- In the first instance, you are encouraged to contact the pastor, James Buchanan, who is willing to discuss any issues.

- If you are not satisfied by the response, or if the issue relates directly to the pastor, then you can contact the other elders.  This can be done through John Raines.

- If you are not satisfied by the response, or if the issue relates to the whole session, then you can contact the presbytery.  This is best done through the clerk, currently Gethin Jones.  See the presbytery website ( for further information.

The IPC Book of Church Order (section 3.6) also contains details of this process.  Copies are available at church, can be bought from Amazon, or downloaded from the synod website (


Safeguarding Concerns

Our church safeguarding services are provided by thirtyone:eight. A summary of the procedure for reporting safeguarding concerns relating to a child or vulnerable adult is as follows:

o   Concerns should be raised with the safeguarding coordinator, Sarah Liechty.  Where concerns have been raised with others in the congregation, these should be passed on to the safeguarding co-ordinator as soon as possible.

o   If the suspicions in any way involve the Safeguarding Co-ordinator, then the report should be made to the deputy James Buchanan

o   If the suspicions implicate both the Safeguarding Co-ordinator and the Deputy, then the report should be made to thirtyone:eight, (0845 120 4550).  Alternatively contact Social Services (children 0300 555 1384; adults 0300 555 1386) or the police (101).

The role of the safeguarding co-ordinator is to collate and clarify the details of the allegation or suspicion and pass this information on to statutory agencies who have a legal duty to investigate. 


The safeguarding policy document can be accessed here.

The International Presbyterian Church, St Peters Church, Church Street, Liss, GU33 6JY, UK

  ©2025 St Peters IPC Liss 

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